Refill Request

  • Refill requests only approved for more than 1 month purchases.
  • Submit request at least 3-5 days before you are out of medication.
  • Requests will only be approved if it has been 30 days from your last refill.
  • Allow up to 48 hours for refills to be processed.
  • Refills requested on the weekend will be returned to the pharmacy by Monday, 5pm CST.
  • After careful consideration and evaluation of our needs, we regret to inform the public that we are unable to continue using Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, or Kroger for our services.
Biological Sex *



All the above boxes must be true and verified by selecting them or the refill request cannot be submitted. All the above boxes are to be selected (if true) regardless of one's gender or age. If the above questions are not true and confirmation of their truth cannot be attested to honestly then you must not submit this refill request. Under those circumstances you will need to make an appointment to be evaluated by an Express Health Systems' clinician.